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Measuring Your Own Supply Voltage 2

This appendix to the original article Measuring Your Own Supply Voltage shows an alternative way of measuring the supply voltage on an AVR DA-Series microcontroller, using the 'backwards' technique used on older ATtiny and ATmega chips.

Measuring VDD on an AVR128DA28 - alternative method

The 'backwards' technique is to make VDD the voltage reference for the ADC, and then measure a fixed voltage reference of 1.024V from the VREF peripheral, via the Analog Comparator's DACREF voltage divider.

Setting up the ADC

First set up the ADC as follows:

  • Set the ADC's voltage reference to VDD.
  • Set the Analog Comparator's shared voltage reference to 1.024V.
  • Set Analog Comparator 0's DACREF value to 255 (not strictly necessary as it's the default).
  • Set the ADC MUXPOS so the ADC measures DACREF0.

Here's the code to implement this:

void ADCSetup () {
  AC0.DACREF = 255;                                    // Maximum DACREF0 voltage
  ADC0.MUXPOS = ADC_MUXPOS_DACREF0_gc;                 // Measure DACREF0
ADC0.CTRLC = ADC_PRESC_DIV64_gc; // 375kHz clock ADC0.CTRLA = ADC_ENABLE_bm; // Single, 12-bit }

Reading the voltage

Here's the routine to measure the supply voltage:

void MeasureVoltage () {
  ADC0.COMMAND = ADC_STCONV_bm;                        // Start conversion
  while (ADC0.COMMAND & ADC_STCONV_bm);                // Wait for completion
  uint16_t adc_reading = ADC0.RES;                     // ADC conversion result
  uint16_t voltage = 41779/adc_reading;
  Buffer[0] = voltage/10; Buffer[1]= voltage%10;

DACREF0 is 255/256 times the Analog Comparator reference, which we've set to 1.024V. So suppose we have a 12-bit reading of R. Then:

× VDD = 1.024 ×

which gives:

VDD = 1.024 ×

To get VDD in tenths of a volt we therefore need to divide 41779 by the ADC reading.

The minimum voltage we can measure this way is 4177.9/4095 or 1.02V, which is below the minimum supply voltage of 1.8V.

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